Key Features

The mid-maturing oat with a powerful quality kick!

  • A mid-slow maturing oaten hay variety with similar hay yields to Mulgara and Brusher.
  • Excellent quality attributes including good digestibility and high water-soluble
    carbohydrate levels.
  • Medium to tall plant height and well likely suited to medium and high rainfall zones.
  • Resistant to CCN and may possess useful red leather leaf
    resistance. Provisional ratings suggest Wallaby has good leaf rust*
    resistance (Rp), barley yellow dwarf virus (Rp), stem rust (MSp) and
    Septoria (MSSp).
  • Wallaby is available through resellers, Seedclub Members and
    through farmer to farmer trade.
  • End Point Royalty (EPR) $3.00/tonne + GST (applicable for hay and grain production)

*Wallaby Rp to leaf rust for western strain and MSp to east coast strain

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We will get back to you as soon as possible.
