- Exceptionally high yielding mid – slow spring wheat
- APH classification in South-East (Southern NSW) and Northern (Northern NSW/QLD) zones
- AH in Southern (VIC/SA) and Western zones
- AH and APW(N) in the Western Zone – advantageous where segregation and potential pricing premiums are available
- Similar maturity as LRPB Trojan and Magenta
- Provides an opportunity to spread flowering windows during critical spring stress periods
- Good stem rust (MRMS) and yellow leaf spot (MRMS)
- Moderately Susceptible to Susceptible to CCN – will need to be managed with CCN resistant break crops
- Good grain size
- Moderate plant height, reducing stubble loads in high yielding environments
- EPR $3.50/tonne GST Exclusive
- Farmer-to-farmer trade approved
Key Features
More information
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A great listen with our Oat Breeder @AllanRattey. Thanks @FeedCentralPL
Great to see #NeoCL barley going well in northern NSW 🏆
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