South Australian grower Trent Tilbrook was so pleased with the 50 hectares of InterGrain’s Maximus CL malting barley that he bulked up on his Gleesons Landing farm, as part of a market development program last year, that he’s integrated it across other properties, including his Yorke Peninsula farm at Curramulka.
At 6.75 tonnes per hectare, it yielded 200-250kg/ha more than InterGrain’s Spartacus CL in the same paddock.
“It all went malt too but was delivered as BAR1 due to segregation availability and price,” Mr Tilbrook explained.
According to Maximus CL breeder, InterGrain’s David Moody, Maximus CL typically should yield two to three per cent above what growers like Mr Tilbrook have traditionally enjoyed from Spartacus CL , on average, based on NVT trials over the past three seasons in SA, which Maximus CL is set to replace.
“The quality attributes of Maximus CL can add value across the supply chain, with growers reaping the rewards of improved yield and disease resistance, transporters enjoying high test weight and maltsters higher malt extract and diastatic power,” Mr Moody said.
Following Barley Australia’s February announcement that Maximus CL had been positively evaluated and officially accredited as a malting barley variety, InterGrain CEO Tress Walmsley said Maximus CL making malt was great news for InterGrain and barley growers.
“InterGrain has always been about breeding barleys that meet the demands of the entire barley supply chain,” Ms Walmsley said.
“The quick to mid-maturing variety, Maximus CL should improve grower profitability due to its superior disease resistance, improved grain size, Clearfield® tolerance and improved yield, while providing a real path to malt markets,” she said.
For Mr Tilbrook, Maximus CL offers him resilience in tough conditions, proven disease resistance and minimal brackling or head loss, which has been a problem with some other barley varieties in recent seasons.
“Having the Clearfield® trait also makes managing weeds grasses easier,” Mr Tilbrook said.
“Our Maximus CL stood up really well last year for disease, with very little net form of net blotch, while neighbours also noted theirs was much cleaner than their Spartacus CL .”
Typical Tilbrook Farming cropping program comprises 1600ha of wheat, barley, lentils and faba beans, with the barley mainly grown at Gleesons, along with some livestock.
“This 2021 season is shaping up well after a dry start, probably our worst start for seven years,” Mr Tilbrook explained.
Conditions have improved, with 111mm received in July, compared to 13mm last year.
Mr Tilbrook is optimistic his Maximus
CL this year will do well at the business end of the season, despite being grown on what he described as “some pretty rough country”.
For more information on Maximus CL chat with Josh Reichstein 0422 235 537 or