Newly launched wheat variety Thumper is the latest contester to move from InterGrain’s breeding corner and into WA paddocks next season. Thumper delivers striking yields and a decent disease punch with its excellent stripe rust and yellow spot resistances. The potential AH quality package also combines good grain qualities, making Thumper a match winning variety.
As a skilled fighter, Thumper is tipped to be a mid-quick maturing yield leader in Western Australia. It will compete with Scepter , Calibre and Devil , and Thumper is expected to win the variety contest in paddocks next year.
InterGrain Wheat Breeder Dan Mullan said, “Derived from Scepter and Devil , Thumper ’s yield potential is a step change for mid-quick wheats with the variety delivering a 3.3%* yield improvement over Calibre in our InterGrain long-term trial program,
Tested as IGW6884, Thumper has a maturity similar to Calibre , slower than Vixen , and is currently classified as an APW in the Western zone with an AH classification anticipated soon.
Dan commented, “The variety has shown excellent yield consistency across a range of seasons and sowing dates, highlighting its broad adaptability and capacity to respond to a range of seasonal conditions across WA.
“Thumper is not only the highest yielding mid-quick wheat available to growers in WA, it also offers a robust disease resistance package with good stripe and yellow leaf spot resistances, particularly useful within wheat-on-wheat rotations.
“Thumper is ideally suited to mid to late May sowings and we’ve been very pleased with grower interest in the variety so far as we know growers are always looking for broadly adapted, high yielding main season wheats.” said Dan.
Thumper offers good lodging resistance, an improvement compared to Calibre . Additionally, the variety tillers well and provides good early vigour, useful in assisting weed competition. However, optimal seeding rates and plant densities should always be considered to ensure the crop is provided with every chance to perform at its best!
Thumper is available for planting in 2024 and we encourage interested growers to place seed orders as soon as possible with local Seedclub members and/or resellers.
For media enquiries contact InterGrain Communications Manager Shannen Barrett or 0408 615 431.