Sentry is now registered for domestic feed grain production in Archer and Kingbale

02 September 2022 Oat News

  • Sentry is now approved for Incorporated Before Sowing (IBS) application in Kingbale and Archer hay, forage, seed and grain (domestic feed market only) crops
  • Excess grain, seed and screenings produced from single gene IMI Oaten hay varieties, Kingbale and Archer, can now be used for domestically consumed livestock feed.
  • Grain of these varieties cannot be delivered into bulk handling systems
  • Kingbale and Archer seed is available for planting in 2023 through InterGrain Seedclub Members and local resellers.

InterGrain, Nufarm and Grains Innovation Australia are pleased to announce the successful receipt of an Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) grain registration for Sentry (IBS) for Kingbale and Archer oaten hay varieties. This complements the hay and seed registration received in early 2021.

InterGrain CEO Tress Walmsley said we recognise that Imidazolinone (IMI) tolerance within the oaten hay rotation is a highly useful tool providing broader system flexibility, and collectively we have been working hard to deliver this to industry.

“Sentry provides Kingbale and Archer with an alternate herbicide for use within the hay rotation which can significantly improve weed control and also flexibility where there are IMI residue concerns from previous crops,” she said.

“Sentry is now approved for Incorporated Before Sowing (IBS) application in Kingbale and Archer hay, forage, seed and grain (domestic feed market only) crops.

“The Sentry registration now allows grain harvested from failed hay crops, screenings from seed crops or excess grain to be sold into domestic oaten grain feed markets and/or consumed on-farm.

“However, grain of these varieties cannot be delivered into bulk handling systems.

“Excess seed grain can be fed to livestock domestically with the new registration in place, although is unable to be used for human consumption in both domestic and international markets.”

Consult Ag advisor Garren Knell said the introduction of the IMI tolerant oaten hay varieties provides greater weed control options within hay crops and the broader rotation.

“A sentry registration for Kingbale and Archer is a step change for controlling brome and barley grass in hay crops,” Garren said.

Kingbale and Archer are the only oat varieties approved for Sentry use.

It is also important to consider in tough seasons where Kingbale and Archer export oaten hay crops are stressed due to terminal drought conditions, cutting for hay is not recommended. Alternative options such as grazing or grain production for domestic livestock consumption on-farm or within feed markets is encouraged.

For more information regarding Sentry, refer to Nufarm’s Sentry herbicide label. 

Kingbale and Archer seed is available for planting in 2023 from InterGrain Seedclub Members and local resellers. Farmer to Farmer trade is not approved for Kingbale or Archer.

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