Jumbuck is a new high yielding, mid-slow potential Australian Hard (AH) wheat for northern New South Wales and Queensland that strikes the balance between performance and reliability.
Jumbuck is well suited to northern New South Wales and Queensland, offering a 10% yield improvement over LRPB Lancer and LRPB Flanker and a 6% improvement over Coota , based on early season wheat NVT longterm MET results.
InterGrain Senior Wheat Breeder Dr David Tabah (DT) said Jumbuck will have a good fit in northern growing regions with its yield stability and hardy disease package.
“Jumbuck is a variety that yields consistently well across seasons. Jumbuck performed exceptionally well in wet, soft seasons in 2021 and 2022, and under more challenging conditions, such as the 2023 winter season.
“Jumbuck has stood out in our northern wheat breeding program over a number of seasons and provides excellent adaptability for a slightly later planting window and drier conditions” said DT.
Jumbuck , trialled as IGW5485, boasts a robust disease resistance profile including strong stripe rust (MRMSp), stem rust (MRMSp) and leaf rust (MRp) resistance, and moderate yellow leaf spot resistance (MSp).
Jumbuck is a mid-slow maturing spring variety, similar to LRPB Flanker and LRPB Lancer , and is well suited to late April and early May plantings.
Jumbuck has a solid grain quality package including excellent test weight and grain size, reducing screenings risks. It has a medium plant height and good lodging tolerance.
Jumbuck was developed by breeders at CIMMYT and was bought to Australia through the CIMMYT-Australia-ICARDA-Germplasm Evaluation (CAIGE) program supported through the Grains Research and Development Corporation’s (GRDC) long-term investment.
“Through the CAIGE project, Australian breeding companies visit the CIMMYT nurseries and collaboratively select genetic material to evaluate and introduce into Australian conditions,” said DT.
“Jumbuck first came into Australia in 2018 and stood out within the InterGrain breeding program.
“Through GRDC’s support, the CAIGE program delivers greater genetic diversity for Australian breeders to access.
“A number of successful InterGrain wheat varieties have utilised genetics from CIMMYT through this program, including Wyalkatchem, Vixen, RockStar and Devil.”
Jumbuck is a currently classified as a FEED variety, although an AH classification for the northern zone is anticipated in 2024.
Jumbuck is available for the 2024 season through local resellers and InterGrain Seedclub members.
Contact InterGrain Communications Manager Shannen Barrett sbarrett@intergrain.com or 0408 615 431 for media enquiries.
About InterGrain
As one of the leaders in cereal breeding in Australia, InterGrain offers market leading wheat, barley and oat varieties for growers. Our highly successful wheat and barley breeding programs, and our new oat breeding program, are designed to target the major cereal growing regions of Australia. Our vision is to support the competitive advantage and sustainability of the Australian agriculture sector.
Our focus is breeding market leading varieties that meet grower and end-user customer requirements. We are globally recognised for our proven capability in the delivery of quality malting barleys and udon noodle wheats.
InterGrain’s shareholders are the WA State Government and GRDC. InterGrain employs 70+ staff and has offices in Perth and Horsham. We also have marketing staff based in Northam, Adelaide, Dalby and Wagga Wagga.
CIMMYT is a cutting edge, non-profit, international organization dedicated to solving tomorrow’s problems today. It is entrusted with fostering improved quantity, quality, and dependability of production systems and basic cereals such as maize, wheat, triticale, sorghum, millets, and associated crops through applied agricultural science, particularly in the Global South, through building strong partnerships. This combination enhances the livelihood trajectories and resilience of millions of resource-poor farmers, while working towards a more productive, inclusive, and resilient agrifood system within planetary boundaries.
CIMMYT is a core CGIAR Research Center, a global research partnership for a food-secure future, dedicated to reducing poverty, enhancing food and nutrition security and improving natural resources.
For more information, visit cimmyt.org.
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