InterGrain is thrilled to announce the release of a Goldie , a new milling oat variety. Goldie yields exceptionally well and is suited to all oat growing regions of southern New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.
With the recent receival of milling accreditation by Grains Australia’s Oat Variety Classification Committee, and promising hay quality data, Goldie is set to become a staple variety for oat growers across Australia.
Goldie , formally known as breeding code 13008-18, is a mid-spring maturing milling oat suitable to all oat growing regions of Australia, and is the highest yielding milling oat available, offering a yield improvement over widely grown grain varieties such as Bannister , Williams and Bilby . Goldie also offers a strong improvement for grain quality receival standards, with good test weight and low screenings.
InterGrain Oat Breeder Dr Allan Rattey says Goldie stood out as a potential winner right from the beginning when InterGrain took over the National Oat Breeding Program (NOBP) in 2021.
“We have watched this line out-perform others in NVT across three seasons, showing Goldie’s versatility over a broad range of environments. Goldie provides growers a yield improvement of 4% over Bannister, 8% over Williams and 10% over Bilby across all oat growing regions from WA across to southern NSW.
“Goldie is the first milling oat variety that InterGrain has released since taking over the National Oat Breeding Program. We fast tracked Goldie in late 2021 to provide the industry a high yielding variety as quickly as possible”.
“Along with excellent grain yields and quality attributes, early hay yield and quality data looks promising for export hay. More data will be collected over the 2024 season.
“Goldie is a mid-maturity, and is well suited for the second week of April to mid-May sowing window. Goldie has excellent panicle emergence and flowers approximately 4-7 days earlier than Bannister.
“It has a medium-tall plant height, similar to Williams and is approximately 5cm taller than Bannister.
“Goldie’s disease resistance profile is similar to Bannister with Septoria rated moderately susceptible- susceptible and moderately resistant to CCN.
“InterGrain has deployed a novel oats seed purification system that has greatly reduced the frequency of other cereal crops in seed lots that are commercially available to growers in 2024.”
With a recent successful milling accreditation, Goldie has been added to the oat master list and can be delivered as a milling oat at harvest 2024. Goldie’s classification was made by Grains Australia’s Oat Variety Classification Committee, under Grains Australia’s national oat variety classification framework.
Dr Allan Rattey said Goldie was bred in 2013 and selected in early generation stages by Dr Pamela Zwer and the NOBP team led by South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). With Pamela’s advice, InterGrain entered Goldie into NVT in 2021. In 2022, Goldie was also entered into InterGrains’ fully fledged hay program and NHA with AgriFutures.
“We are thrilled to be able to release Goldie after many years of work by Pamela and the NOBP team. We acknowledge the breeding efforts and contribution to the oat industry made by Pamela and the NOPB team for 25 years before we began leading the National oat grain and oaten hay breeding programs,” said Dr Rattey.
Goldie seed is very limited for 2024 so, keep an eye out for Goldie in trials this season and place an order for 2025 through local resellers and Seedclub Members.
InterGrain oat breeder Allan Rattey (R) and Melchiorre Seeds Jason Melchiorre (L) standing in a Goldie paddock in Narrogin, WA in September 2023.
Contact InterGrain Chief Marketing Officer Nicole Kerr or 0448 101 673 for media enquiries.