General Disclaimer and Website Terms of Use
The information included in this website has been prepared to inform you about InterGrain Pty Ltd (ACN 128 106 945) (“we, our or us”) services, products and activities. This website is updated from time to time.
With respect to the information there are some legal qualifications we wish to make you aware of as follows:
- This website and the information included on this website is subject to change at any time without notice.
- We may at our absolute discretion update, change, amend or supplement the information on this website if we decide to do so, noting that we have no obligation to do so.
- We take care and apply our resources endeavouring to ensure the information included in this website is correct at the date of inclusion. However, we do not warrant that the information included in this website:
- will not cause any damage;
- is free from any computer virus; and
- is complete or accurate.
- The information included in this website is provided on the basis that you will be solely responsible for verifying the information, including any representations or other statements included in the information.
- Except as we are required by law to do so, you acknowledge and accept that we do not undertake to update or revise any information that is a forward-looking statement that has been included in this website, whether as a result of: new information, new services, new products, future plans or activities, or otherwise.
- Links connecting this website to third party websites are for convenience only and we do not endorse or approve the content of any third-party website. Furthermore, we advise and caution users of this website that copying material from any third-party website may infringe the rights of a third party or third parties.
- We do permit linking to this website, provided that the full html page is loaded. Such links must not incorporate our trade marks and must not negatively affect us in any way.
- The information included on this website is our property and is subject to copyright. You may use the information on this website for personal use. You must not reproduce or use any photographs included in this website without our written consent.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither us, our officers, directors, affiliates or employees:
- assume any responsibility for, or make any representation warranty (express or implied) as to the currency, accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this website; and
- will be liable for any damages, equitable or statutory damages or compensation, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or loss of revenue or profit whatsoever arising from any reliance on the information included in this website, or any use of or access to this website or any part of it, or any other site linked to this website.
- This disclaimer and the use of this website is governed by the laws of Western Australia and any user of this website submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Western Australia.