InterGrain welcomes all feedback about our products and our work. If you have a compliment, complaint, suggestion or enquiry, we would like to hear from you.
Compliments and Enquiries
If you have a compliment, suggestion or enquiry about InterGrain please contact us by:
Phone: (08) 9419 8000
Mail: InterGrain, 19 Ambitious Link, BIBRA LAKE WA 6163
From time to time we may not meet your expectations. If you wish to raise a concern about InterGrain or one of our products, you can do this through our Complaints Management Process.
Complaints Management Process
We believe our customers and stakeholders have a right to:
- complain or express concerns about InterGrain products and services without fear of recrimination
- have their issue dealt with fairly, promptly and professionally
- be represented by an advocate of their choice in any formal complaint resolution process
- be treated in a respectful and non-discriminatory manner
- confidentiality
- withdraw at any stage throughout the process. However, InterGrain may elect to pursue the complaint without their involvement.
InterGrain’s Complaints Management Process is in place to provide:
- a clear commitment to receive and deal with feedback, good and bad
- an accessible process that handles complaints in a timely, professional and consistent way
- a simple process that avoids the unnecessary use of resources including people’s time and money
- information to help InterGrain to improve its work, impact, operations and processes.
Process for making a complaint
We encourage you in the first instance to contact us to discuss your issue or complaint or to try to resolve the issue directly with the person concerned.
However, if you are not satisfied after doing this or if you wish to make a formal complaint at any time, please do so by writing to the InterGrain CEO. Alternatively, if you would prefer, you can write to the InterGrain Chair of Audit and Risk Committee.
Mail: InterGrain, (Chair of Audit and Risk Committee), 19 Ambitious Link, BIBRA LAKE WA 6163
To help us understand and resolve your complaint you should provide written details of the basis upon which the complaint is being made, including:
- a clear statement about what you consider was unsatisfactory
- copies of, or references to, information to support the complaint
- details of any attempts you have made to resolve the matter informally
- a statement about what you wish to achieve from the complaint process
- to help us to look into your concerns more effectively, your permission for InterGrain to use any personal information you provide to process and respond to your complaint.
We will accept anonymous complaints but resolution processes to address such issues are very limited. Providing your name and contact details will help us to look into your concerns more effectively.
If you provide your contact details we will:
- acknowledge your complaint in writing within five working days of receiving it
- provide a written response to your complaint to you within 28 calendar days of receiving it. If the issue is complex we may need to extend that time and this will be communicated to you.
We may need to contact you to as we deal with your complaint to clarify any issues or seek further information.
You have the right to withdraw your personal information from the Complaints Management Policy and Process at any time.