Tress Walmsley was appointed as the InterGrain CEO in August 2012. Having joined the business at inception, Tress has played an integral role in governance, developing operating systems and building the company’s commercial platform. 

Tress has over 20 years of agribusiness experience, along the way gaining a wealth of knowledge in commercial plant breeding operations with a strong understanding of the technical drivers required for success in the grains industry. 

Prior to working for InterGrain, Tress spent over ten years with DPIRD in a variety of roles including grains commercialisation officer and TOPCROP State Coordinator. Tress is a member of Grains Australia Barley and Oat Councils, deputy chair of Grains Industry Association WA and Director of Chemistry Centre WA. In 2015, Tress was the AgriFutures Western Australian Rural Woman.  



Troy Keenan joined InterGrain as Chief Financial Officer in 2012. He is primarily responsible for the financial management of the company while also leading the operations and administrative functions.

Prior to InterGrain, Troy had gained broad commercial experience in accounting, marketing and business development across diverse industries, including FMCG at Nestle Australia, within agriculture at United Farmer’s Co-operative, and IP commercialisation at RIAS Technologies.

Troy is a graduate of the AICD and a member of CPA Australia.



Nicole Kerr joined InterGrain as the Chief Marketing Officer in 2022. Nicole has over 20 years’ experience working in the Australian grains industry. Prior to starting with InterGrain, she was the General Manager – Strategy & Communications for the Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre. Nicole holds a Masters of Business Administration, Advanced Diploma in Management and a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Honours). 

As Chief Marketing Officer, Nicole is responsible for marketing InterGrain’s wheat, barley and oat varieties. This involves overseeing InterGrain’s communications and marketing efforts, commercial seed production, Seedclub member relationships and barley market development activities. 



Dan is InterGrain’s Chief Operation Officer. As COO, Dan oversees all operational aspects of the company, ensuring efficient coordination between breeding programs, national trial management, seed production, quality control.

Dan joined InterGrain in 2010 and as the Senior Wheat Breeder has lead the development of varieties with superior yield potential and stability for Australia and a global leading udon noodle breeding program, including Brumby, RockStar, Devil, Vixen, Kinsei, Sheriff CL Plus, Ninja, Chief CL Plus and Zen.

Prior to joining InterGrain, Dan worked at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), based in Mexico. During his time (2008 – 2010) at the institute he focused on wheat physiology and was the lead investigator in a GCP funded project targeting the genetic dissection of drought and heat adaptive mechanisms in bread and durum wheat. Previous to this, he completed a post-doctoral fellowship at CSIRO, Canberra, where he was the durum pre-breeder (2006 – 2008). In his role, he focused on the integration of drought tolerance traits into locally adapted germplasm. Dan has a Bachelor of Agricultural Science (1st class Hons) and a PhD in molecular genetics and plant breeding from the University of Western Australia.


Our HR Manager

As the company’s HR Manager Amanda Booth is responsible for the recruitment and wellbeing of a team of 65+ staff. Amanda is a highly skilled Human Resources professional with over 20 years’ experience in developing vibrant company cultures and organisational resourcing across a range of industries. Amanda values workplace diversity and is focused on the opportunities this provides to both people and businesses. Her empathetic and solutions orientated approach has greatly supported many positive outcomes for both the company and its valued team. Amanda is passionate about team leadership, recruitment and staff retention, talent acquisition and career coaching and is driven by a personal purpose of helping others reach their full potential.


Our Breeders

David Moody

David Moody

Senior Barley Breeder

David joined InterGrain in 2007 after a 25 year career in plant breeding and plant genetics with the Department of Primary Industries, and previously the University of Adelaide.  He has played an integral role in setting the governance and commercial platform for the business. Over the course of his career, he has become Australia’s most successful barley breeder, with over 50% of the national area sown to his varieties.  Whilst with InterGrain, David has released some of Australia’s highest yielding barley varieties including La Trobe and Spartacus CL and more recently Neo and Maximus CL.

His research interests remain in the areas of crop physiology and stress tolerance, and he is passionate about Australia’s opportunities as the malting barley producing epicenter for the Asian brewing markets.  David is actively involved in industry forums, currently being vice Chairman of the Grains Industry of Western Australia Barley Council.

Dr. David Tabah

Dr. David Tabah

Senior Wheat Breeder

Dr David Tabah, “DT”, is InterGrain’s Senior Wheat Breeder. DT has over 20 years experience in the industry in diverse high profile breeding roles. He was previously Crop Research Lead for the Canola program at Pacific Seeds/Advanta where he delivered market-leading varieties. Prior to that, DT was a Barley Breeder with InterGrain, so he is very familiar with our company and culture, and we are delighted to welcome him back! His career started in the UK as a breeder for several horticultural crops, including lettuce and cabbage, before moving to Enza Zaden to work as a biotech breeder in tomatoes, implementing new technologies within a world-leading breeding program.

DT’s broad experience, international outlook, and deep understanding of breeding methodologies are ideally suited to continue to deliver outstanding new wheat varieties for Australia.

DT was born in the Canary Islands (Spain) and speaks three languages fluently. He studied Biological Sciences (University of Oxford) and holds a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology (University of Bristol).

DT also supports InterGrain’s Pulse and Oilseed Strategy, assisting InterGrain’s efforts to secure viable rotation options for Australian farmers into the future.

Dr. Allan Rattey

Dr. Allan Rattey

Senior Oat Breeder

Dr. Allan Rattey is InterGrain’s national oat breeder.

Before joining the company in 2018, Allan worked with Dow AgroSciences as the lead wheat breeder in Australia, where he oversaw the company’s national plant breeding structure and science. He was also accountable for Dow’s Southern Breeding Node – The Australian wheat breeding program.

As a plant breeder Allan has actively pursued his keen interest in leveraging technology applied in global crops, including corn and soybeans, and successfully implemented several synergistic strategies within Australian wheat breeding. Allan has also contributed significantly to local research, particularly with his involvement in sponsored genomic research at AVR.

Prior to joining Dow, Allan worked with CSIRO as the national gateway breeder and trait pre-breeder, and has also spent time at BSES as a sugarcane breeder in Northern Queensland. Allan holds a Bachelor of Science, and a PhD in Quantitative Genetics from the University of Queensland.

Silvina Baraibar

Silvina Baraibar

Early Generation Barley Breeder

Silvina is the early generation barley breeder, joining the company in 2022. In her role as early generation breeder, Silvina focuses on the creation of new barley breeding populations, applying the newest genomics and phenomics technologies, to identify and select the most promising genotypes.

Before joining InterGrain, Silvina was the National Barley Breeder at the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA), in Uruguay, for 8 years. Silvina is completing her PhD at The University of Adelaide. Her research project is on the adoption of genomic selection in a commercial barley breeding program, focusing on the integration of phenomics and genomics to enhance the grain yield prediction accuracy, as well as the utilization of multi-phase analysis to improve prediction accuracies of malting quality traits. Silvina holds a MS in Agricultural Science and an Agronomic Engineer Degree from Universidad de la República (UDELAR, Uruguay). Her research focused on developing breeding strategies for the management of wheat stem rust in Uruguay.

Dr. Calum Watt

Dr. Calum Watt

Early Generation Hard Wheat Breeder

Calum is the early generation national hard wheat breeder at InterGrain, joining the company in 2020. He holds a Ph.D. in barley quantitative genetics from Murdoch University in addition to a master’s degree in quantitative genetics and breeding from the University of Western Australia. His research focused on determining which genes control grain size in barley in a bid to better identify breeding targets to reduce screenings through a number of different approaches including genetic engineering (CRISPR-Cas9). 

In his new role Dr Watt will focus on the development of hard winter and spring wheats for Australia from the initial cross with the aid of new breeding technologies such as genomic selection. Additionally, he is leveraging new and existing partnerships with local and international researchers to incorporate new technologies and germplasm into our hard wheat programs to improve the productivity, sustainability and profitability of Australian wheat production. 


Dr. Jayfred Godoy

Dr. Jayfred Godoy

Early Generation Soft and Udon Wheat Breeder

As InterGrain’s early generation wheat breeder, Jayfred is primarily involved in the genetic improvement and germplasm enhancement of udon and soft wheats. He is responsible for the creation of (targeted) breeding populations until achievement of pure-breeding genotypes, following several rounds of evaluation and selection. He is very keen to partner with pre-breeders and researchers to identify new strategies and apply the latest tools to improve selection efficiency in both high yielding and marginal environments.

Dr Godoy leads the implementation of high-throughput phenotyping and genotyping in the wheat and barley breeding pipelines. He is actively participating in several collaborative projects with leading Australian research institutions to upscale InterGrain’s phenomics capabilities.

Before joining InterGrain in 2018, Jayfred was a Postdoctoral Researcher in winter wheat breeding at Washington State University (USA). His research projects included genomic prediction and association genetic studies on wheat grain quality, agronomic traits, and spectral reflectance indices. He also worked on the application of various high-throughput phenotyping platforms in wheat breeding. Jayfred holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from Visayas State University (Philippines), MS in Agronomy from Kansas State University (USA) and PhD in Crop Science (Plant Breeding and Genetics) from Washington State University (USA).

Our Scientific Support

Dr. Haelee Fenton

Dr. Haelee Fenton

Cereal Chemist

Haelee joined InterGrain towards the end of 2019 as the Cereal Chemist and has led the implementation and development of the quality laboratory at our Bibra Lake site. Haelee has a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology (First Class Honours), and a PhD in Public Health (Food Science) from Curtin University.

Prior to joining InterGrain, Haelee was an experienced lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in higher education, most recently in the Food Science and Technology undergraduate, postgraduate, and higher degree programs at Curtin University. Haelee has also worked in the grain and food industry with roles at the Department of Agriculture and Food of Western Australia, CBH Group, and different food companies including Vesco Foods, Brownes Dairy, and Glenhaven Foods (ROI).

Haelee’s research interests primarily encompass the areas of cereal science, health, and sensory evaluation. Research projects in the past have involved understanding raw material quality (for example: wheat and oat quality), processing parameters, and end product quality of products such as bulgur, chapatti, noodles and steamed bread. Focus on the development of products with improved nutrition and health outcomes is also of interest, and previous research has investigated effects of ingredients and processing on nutritional value, satiety and postprandial glycaemia. The unique mix of prior roles has been valuable in gaining experience and understanding of the whole value chain from prebreeding to paddock, to plate and beyond into human health. Haelee’s role at InterGrain is focused on delivering high value and quality grain testing to support our plant breeding strategy and programs; and advancing cereal science and innovation in grain quality through engagement with the grains and wider industries. 

Dr. Dini Ganesalingam

Dr. Dini Ganesalingam

Research & Business Development Manager

Dini is the Business and Research Development Manager for InterGrain’s wheat, barley and oat breeding programs and has more than 9 years’ experience in all aspects of RD&E. Dini has a PhD in plant breeding & statistics and an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Science (with Honours) and Economics from the University of Western Australia. During her involvement on the Emerging Industries Technical advisory panel, Dini hopes to contribute to the extension of R&D to ensure that various projects in their design and application, see implementation and deployment to the benefit of the industry. 

Dr. Chris Lisle

Dr. Chris Lisle


Chris Lisle is the Biometrician for InterGrain where he leads the development and implementation of statistical methodology to InterGrain’s breeding programs.

Chris joined InterGrain in 2022 after spending 20 years as a statistical consultant for the Australian grains industry. He comes with a wealth of experience and application in the areas of linear mixed models, experimental design, big data management, and R programming. In particular, he is a world leading expert in the analysis of multi-environment trial (MET) analyses and the dissemination of their results. Recently, he has submitted his PhD thesis which provides statistical methodology and procedures for information-based diagnostics for the optimal construction of MET datasets, and was the recent joint winner of the 23rd Annual JB Douglas Postgraduate Award for his research.

Dr. Federico Ribalta

Dr. Federico Ribalta

Plant Growth Facilities Manager

Federico is the Plant Growth Facilities Manager at InterGrain, having joined the company in 2020. He has extensive experience in the development of biotechnology tools for accelerated breeding for pulses, cereals and oil seed crops, and on the management of large-scale commercial breeding populations. He has a strong background in plant physiology, genetics and breeding; doubled haploidy and tissue culture technologies.

Dr Ribalta holds a Ph.D. in pulse breeding technologies from the University of Western Australia and INRA, France. Before joining Intergrain, he was involved in the development and implementation of GRDC funded innovative biotech programs at UWA. This was achieved whether by the compression of breeding cycles in controlled environments through the manipulation of plant morphogenesis and use of state-of-the-art LED light technology, combined with integrated high throughput phenotyping, or through interspecific hybridisation, cloning, single-cell mutation and doubled haploidy.

In his role at InterGrain, Federico is responsible for overseeing all operations related to glasshouse production for Intergrain’s breeding programs. His role involves the development of high-level strategies for the acceleration of the early generation cycle times and integration of high throughout phenotyping within the glasshouse pipeline. He also has a high-level input to the design of InterGrain’s new glasshouse and early generation advancement facilities.

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Our Board

Karlie Mucjanko

Karlie Mucjanko

InterGrain Chair

Karlie is a strategic communications specialist with experience in managing brands and reputations, complex stakeholder relationships and communications. 

She has 20 years’ experience spanning industry advocacy, marketing & public relations, publishing and research and development.

Karlie joined Australia’s largest agribusiness, the CBH Group in 2005 where she subsequently spent almost a decade as General Manager Grower and External Relations working directly with grain growing producers, their rural communities and CBH’s many other stakeholders.

Karlie has established a communications consultancy, is currently the Deputy Chair of the Western Australian Regional Development Trust, a Director of Fremantle Ports, serves as a Board member of the Guildford Grammar School Foundation and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Chris Bazley

Chris Bazley

Board Director

Chris Bazley joined the InterGrain board in December 2017, bringing with him a plethora of experience as a former senior executive in the Australian grains industry, and more recently, an accomplished board career.

Formerly the Managing Director of Pacific Seeds, Chris successfully pioneered new seed varieties while overseeing extensive R&D, production and management of stock, and the marketing of seed varieties both domestically and internationally. Concurrently, he continued to improve the company’s market share and commercial success, while also earning the business an Employer of Choice award. Since stepping away from Pacific Seed in 2010,

Chris has gone on to hold multiple board positions. He has served as a board member on the University of Queensland Gatton Advisory Committee, is Chairman of the Board at Clifton Community Health Services, and serves on the University of Southern Queensland Council, where he is Chairman of the Finance and Facilities Committee, as well as serving on the Member Audit, Chancellor’s, and Remuneration Committees.

Chris is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and is an inaugural trustee at Queensland Crop Research Limited.

Bob Mullins

Bob Mullins

Board Director

Bob’s extensive international career as a senior executive in high-tech seeds businesses and experience as a director will help him to contribute to InterGrain’s board and business. 

Bob comes from a wheat-farming background in North Western NSW and has always worked across the technical – commercial interface of plant-based agribusiness. He began his career as a plant breeder with CSR Ltd in Queensland before moving to R&D leadership in the sugar industry, then to a plant biotech start-up, and finally to Syngenta Seeds.  Based at times in Asia, North America, and Australia, he held country, regional and global commercial and marketing leadership roles in Syngenta.

Bob also brings wide experience as a company director, more recently serving as a non-executive director for New Edge Microbials Pty. Ltd., Future Food Systems Ltd, and Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd.  He chairs a number of research, commercialisation and investment committees for these boards.

Tracy Lefroy

Tracy Lefroy

Board Director

Tracy is an independent, creative and successful businesswoman operating from the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. As a self-starter, she founded and divested an award-winning business, is the co-owner and business manager of broadacre diversified farming enterprise and holds leadership and executive positions on boards and local government.

A former agribusiness analyst, communications manager and freelance agricultural journalist, Tracy is highly networked and connected across Australia. She has lived experience of regional and rural communities and a high-level of capability in negotiating and partnering with a broad range of stakeholders, including all levels of Government.

Tracy is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Director of Cranmore Farming Partnership, President of the Shire of Moora, a member of GrainGrowers’ National Policy Group, sits on the National Farmers Federation Telecommunications and Social Policy Committee, and is a member of the Grains Industry of WA Wheat Council.

Emma Scotney

Emma Scotney

Board Director

Emma Scotney (BA, LLB (Hons) GAICD) is an experienced non executive director and former corporate lawyer with strong financial and commercial acumen who has over 25 years combined expertise in the mining, agricultural and property industries. She has extensive experience in advising on corporate, financial, governance and commercial matters, including mergers and acquisitions and equity capital markets. Emma was legal counsel at an ASX listed global mining services company where she specialised in international supply and distribution contracts for mining tools and equipment. Emma is also a member of a private company responsible for the operation of a high performing commercial livestock and cropping enterprise.