InterGrain is a leading Australian cereal breeding business with wheat, barley and oat breeding programs. We believe continuous development of improved crop genetics is fundamental to ensuring a highly competitive Australian grains industry.
InterGrain is uniquely positioned as an industry partner to validate and deploy the latest research methods and technologies. This begins within the glasshouse right through to nationally located field plots. At InterGrain we embrace collaboration and are committed to research projects aligned with our core mission; delivering grower value through market leading varieties. We have a proven record of delivering high performing genetics and achieve this by being at the fore front of research.
Our collaborative linkages provide access to the latest research and technologies including new breeding technologies (NBTs), genomic selection, biometrics, physiology, and plant pathology.
Our national research centre collaborations include:
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- AgriFutures
- Australian Plant Phenomics Facility
- Agriculture Victoria Research and
- Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre
Our current targeted research project partners are:
- The University of Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- The University of Queensland
- University of Western Australia
- Murdoch University and
- The international research centres of CIMMYT (based in Mexico) and ICARDA